Profile summary:
Having the professional experience 6 years in field of engineering
Secondary Power Distribution &Road Tunnel,structures and
infrastructure projectsinHimalayan region and involved in
different stage of projects . Interaction with Clients for approval
of reports, drawings etc..
Work Experience :
Billing Engineer
2020-06-22 - Presently working
Supervision and Monitoring of Electrical-Mechanical works.
Planning and Execution of overhead electrification like between
two poles span, set-up the 33/11 KV substation & Bracket erection
wiring adjustment etc.
Preparation of 33 KV line DPR (60 km,33 KV line) and 2*1 MVA
Power Sub-station along with 33 KV Extra Bay at existing 33/11 KV.
Review and approval of E&M materials and testing of the
Detailed design drawings with a specialization in Design HVAC,TVS
system of underground metro station.
Preparation of all documents work of Inspection inside or
outside the site.