Profile summary:
To establish as a responsible and competent leader of the top management of
a reputed and professional organizational by gaining considerable inter
departmental experience and exposure, and in affect contribute positively to my
society and country.
Work Experience :
Store Assistant
2021-03-31 - Presently working
Record the store material receipt and consumption on a daily basis.
➢ Checking the stock as per records.
➢ Receiving Materials, Stocking, Recoding of Receipts, and Assisting Engineers to
Prepare Quality Reports of the Received Materials.
➢ Issue Materials as per the Indent for Different Works.
➢ General Supervision on the Site Regarding Wastage of Material, Improper use of
Material etc.
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➢ Recollecting any Unused Materials at the End of the Working Days.
➢ Update Records on Display Boards and Display Slates Regarding the Stock.
➢ Prepare Monthly Consumption Reports Jointly with the Engineers.
➢ Prepare a List of Excess Material.
➢ Update the Stocks Periodically.
➢ Inform the Concerned Engineer of the Status of Balance Material in Orderto
Raise Further Indent.
➢ Follow up with Material Suppliers, with Prior Consent from Purchase
Department, to Ensure Timely Supply.
➢ Maintain Records of Department Tools, Machinery etc. on Site.
➢ Maintain Records of Cash Purchase.
➢ Records of Empty Cement Bags Received from Contractor.
➢ Inform the Concerned Engineer of the Working Condition of the Machinery.