Profile summary:
Dear Sir My Name is Amrendra Kumar Singh. I understand that you are in need of experienced personnel. I am forwarding my application for Accountant I have experience in Maintaining Accounts online as well on books, Auditing ,Store & Office Administration Account Payable ,Account Receivable Vendor payments,Reconciliations of vendor Account. service tax,Vat. WCt tax, TDS, Currently I am working in Macmet Engineering Limited as Asst Manager in OLBC Projects(UTCL Sewagram-Kutch Gujarat)I want to relocate myself. Given a chance I shall prove that my selection is the Best. I look forward for favorable reply at the earliest.P:lease update the same. Name-Amrendra Kumar Singh Mobile 7979050568.
Work Experience :
Accounts Exec./Accountant
2019-01-20 - Presently working